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4th Hellenic Statistics Competition calendar
- Registration period: 5/10/2020-20/01/2021 *
- 1st phase of the competition: 21/01/2021-04/02/2021 *
- Announcement of the results of the 1st phase: 05/02/2021 *
- 2nd phase of the competition: 08/02/2021-25/02/2021 *
- Announcement of final results: 17/03/2021 *
- Award ceremony: to be announced at a later stage *
- Submission of videos of the first 5 winning teams, per category, for the Public Choice Award: 18/03/2021-08/04/2021 *
- Public vote and decision of the Jury Committee: 12/04/2021-22/04/2021 *
Announcement of the winning teams to participate to the European Statistics Competition: 23/04/2021 *
* ELSTAT reserves the right to change the dates announced in the calendar at any phase of the competition