- European Statistical System (ESS)
- European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS)
- ESS Vision 2020
- ESS Governance bodies
- Cooperation with international organisations
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- International Data Alliance for Children on the Move
- European Statistics Day
- World Statistics Day
- European Big Data Hackathon
- United Nations Statistical Commission (UN STATCOM)
European Statistics Day - Better data. Better lives.
20 October 2018 - European Statistics Day

At the initiative of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) and with the support of the members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks, the European Statistics Day is celebrated by the European statistical community on 20 October.
On the occasion of the European Statistics Day, Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries released the digital publication The life of women and men in Europe – a statistical portrait
More information on European Statistics Day