In the framework of ELSTAT’s programme for “Fostering Statistical Literacy in Greece”, the Library of ELSTAT has undertaken an action to inform pupils of primary and secondary education, as well as students of post-secondary and tertiary education on the work of ELSTAT and specifically on :
the importance and usefulness of statistics for the Greek and European society;
the work and role of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT);
the different stages of the statistical production process, from the planning of surveys to the dissemination of statistical results;
the portal of ELSTAT in order to help pupils and students navigate more easily and find the data they are looking for.
These actions will result in:
introducing pupils and students into the world of statistics, giving them an insight on how to easily understand and use statistics in their every-day lives;
informing them on the important role and the use of official statistics in decision-making in public policy, economy and other areas of life;
informing pupils and students on the production method of official statistics, following European and international statistical standards, in all fields,while strictly observing the principles and rules laid down in the Greek statistical legislation and the Union legislation.