
Statistics Competition 2023/2024

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), in the framework of the programme for “Fostering Statistical Literacy in Greece”, is organising, for the seventh time, the "Hellenic Statistics Competition", co-financed by the European Union.

The purpose of the competition is to showcase talented pupils and students who are interested in the statistical science and the production and use of official statistics in their every-day lives, but also in other areas of society, such as economics and policy-making.


7th Hellenic Statistics Competition calendar

  • Registration period: 20/10/2023-15/1/2024*
  • 1st phase of the competition:  16/01/2024-31/01/2024*
  • Announcement of the results of the 1st phase: 05/02/2024 *
  • 2nd phase of the competition: 06/02/2024-26/02/2024 *
  • Announcement of final results: 28/03/2024 *
  • Award ceremony: 06/2024 *

* ELSTAT reserves the right to change the dates announced in the calendar at any phase of the competition

European Statistics Competition

The European Statistics Competition is open to the two winning teams per category of the relevant national statistics competitions and have been nominated by their countries to participate in the European competition.

More information:


Contact us

  Library and Website Content Management Section

  Tel.: +30 213 135 2348, +30 213 135 2315

The 7th Statistics Competition for the school year 2023/2024 has been completed

Ε Λ Λ Η Ν Ι Κ Η Σ Τ Τ Ι Σ Τ Ι Κ Η Ρ Χ Η Περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την «Στατιστική Ολυμπιάδα» , σ ε ε θ ν ι κ ό κ α ι ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, είναι διαθέσιμες: www . s t a t i s t i c s . g r int e r n a t i o n a l @ s t a t i s t i c s . g r 2 1 3 1 3 5 2 1 8 4 Σ Τ Α Τ Ι Σ Τ Ι Κ H O Λ Υ Μ Π Ι Α Α 2 0 1 8