Public Use Files
ELSTAT grants access to anonymized mocrodata of the following statistical surveys it conducts, which have been anonymized in accordance with anonymization criteria it has predefined, so that the direct or indirect identification of surveyed units is not possible (Public Use Files). The list of the above anonymization criteria, per statistical survey, is available on ELSTAT’s website, at the link: Anonymization Criteria for Public Use Files of ELSTAT.
List of surveys
1. Survey on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)
2. Labour Force Survey (LFS)
3. Household Budget Survey (HBS)
4. Survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by households
5. Survey on energy consumption in households
6. National health survey
7. Time use survey
8. Survey on road traffic accidents
9. Mortality Statistics
Procedure for granting access to Public Use Files
In order to grant access to the Public Use Files please follow the steps below:
1. Registration on ELSTAT’s website
If you are already registered proceed to the next step
2. Login on ELSTAT’s website
3. For granting access to the Public Use Files, click here
Please indicate that the source of the data is ELSTAT in any report/study you compile that is based on ELSTAT’s data.