Special Data Dissemination Standard

Economic & Financial Data for Greece

The official data presented in this page are produced by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Greece (BoG) and the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE).
The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB).For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Greece has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.
SDDS for Greece
Real Sector
Data Category & ComponentUnit DescriptionObservations(%) Change previous period(%) Change same period last year
Date of latestLatest dataLatest data -1
National AccountsProvisional data, Seasonally
GDP Current PricesAt current prices, Millions EuroQ2/2457828567381.95.1
Private consumptionAt current prices, Millions EuroQ2/2439396390031.05.0
Public consumptionAt current prices, Millions EuroQ2/2410848107431.00.2
Gross fixed capital formationAt current prices, Millions EuroQ2/24805377943.36.4
Exports of goods and servicesAt current prices, Millions Euro Q2/2425799253771.76.7
Imports of goods and servicesAt current prices, Millions EuroQ2/2428893275185.08.9
GDP Chained volumesAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/2449759492271.12.3
Private consumptionAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/2434747345520.62.0
Public consumptionAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/24937693150.7-3.6
Gross fixed capital formationAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/24734572900.83.9
Exports of goods and servicesAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/2418993185302.52.1
Imports of goods and servicesAt reference year 2015 prices, Millions EuroQ2/2423078217526.19.6
Production Index (1)Provisional data 2015=100,0Jul/
Forward Looking Indicators
Economic Sentiment Indicator Index 1990:2011=100Aug/
Consumer Confidence IndicatorIndexAug/
Industrial Confidence IndicatorIndex 2000:2010=100Aug/
Construction Confidence IndicatorIndex 2000:2010=100Aug/
Retail Trade Confidence IndicatorIndex 2000:2010=100Aug/
Service Sector Confidence IndicatorIndex 2000:2010=100Aug/
EmploymentRevised data according to the Population Census 2011 estimations - Not seasonally adjusted, in thousandsQ2/
UnemploymentRevised data according to the Population Census 2011 estimations - Not seasonally adjusted, in thousandsQ2/
Unemployment rateChange from previous period and change from same period of last yearQ2/
Wages/EarningsIndex of Wages Cost (2016=100.0) Seasonally adjusted data. Final dataQ2/
Consumer Prices2020=100.0Aug/
Producer Price Index in Industry 2015=100.0Jul/
Fiscal Sector
Data Category & ComponentUnit DescriptionObservations(%) Change previous period(%) Change same period last year
Date of latestLatest dataLatest data -1
General Government or Public Sector OperationsPreliminary data 1st reporting 202320232022
- RevenueAt current prices, Euro Millions20231078351046083.1
- ExpenditureAt current prices, Euro Millions20231113431097511.5
- Balance, Deficit /Surplus At current prices, Euro Millions2023-3508-5143-31.8
- as % of GDP2023-1.6-2.5-36.0
- Financing of General Government BalanceEuro Millions2023
Currency and DepositsEuro Millions 2023-9491-101.8
- Securities other than shares (excluding derivatives)Euro Millions 20236973424859.9
- Short-term Euro Millions 2023250278-10.1
- Long-termEuro Millions 20236543397064.8
- LoansEuro Millions 2023-6885-1853271.6
- Short-termEuro Millions 2023-27053342-180.9
- Long-termEuro Millions 2023-4180-5195-19.5
- Others changesEuro Millions 20233609225759.9
-TotalEuro Millions202335085143-31.8
Central Government OperationsPreliminary
- RevenueEuro MillionsJuly.247819518150.920.0
- ExpenditureEuro MillionsJuly.2459366653-10.89.1
- Balance, Deficit /SurplusEuro MillionsJuly.241883-1472-227.974.8
Central Government OperationsPreliminary annual
-RevenueEuro millions2023699726051615.6
-ExpenditureEuro millions 202373093730860.0
Balance,Deficit / SurplusEuro millions2023-3120-12570-75.2
Reconciliation itemsEuro millions202300
Cash BalanceEuro millions2023-3120-12570-75.2
- Financing (2)(*)Euro millions2023312012570-75.2
T-BillsEuro millions20231880
BondsEuro millions20235457385041.7
LoansEuro Millions20235327782-93.2
Currency and DepositsEuro millions2023-3056938-425.7
State Government Debt
State Government Debt (Debt guaranteed by State government is not included) (3)(*)Euro MillionsQ2/24407059.67405540.580.370.59
State Government Debt (Debt guaranteed by State government is not included) (3)(*)Euro MillionsQ2/24407059.67405540.580.370.59
State Government Debt (Debt guaranteed by State government is not included) (3)(*)Euro MillionsQ2/24407059.67405540.580.370.59
b)non-euro area currencyEuro Millions Q2/240000
- Debt by residual maturity: (4) (*)Euro MillionsQ2/24407059.67405540.580.370.59
a) Short-term (up to 1 year) (4)Euro Millions Q2/2467783.9669797.43-2.88-5.05
b) Medium-term (1-5 years) (4)Euro Millions Q2/2449429.5048801.481.292.54
c) Long-term (above 5 years) (4) Euro Millions Q2/24289846.21286941.671.011.67
- Debt quaranteed by central government (7)(*)Euro MillionsQ2/2428258.3028704.30-1.55-3.99
Financial Sector
Data Category & ComponentUnit DescriptionObservations(%) Change previous period(%) Change same period last year
Date of latestLatest dataLatest data -1
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector Euro
Monetary Aggregates ComponentsEuro Millions
Overnight depositsEuro MillionsJul/24154.350152.222
Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 monthsEuro MillionsJul/242.0002.046
Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 yearsEuro MillionsJul/2446.94848.021
Repurchase agreementsEuro MillionsJul/241.1401.140
Money market fund unitsEuro MillionsJul/241.1121.056
Debt securities up to 2 yearsEuro MillionsJul/247676
Credit to euro area General Government, comprising loans granted to and securities issued by General Government net of Central Government deposits.Euro MillionsJul/24108.796111.228
Credit (loans) to non-MFI euro area residents (excluding General Government)Euro MillionsJul/24119.027120.088
Net foreign position vis-'a-vis non-euro area residentsEuro MillionsJul/2492.30792.435
Analytical Accounts of the Central BankEuro
Reserve Money (euro area residency)Euro MillionsAug/24169.108167.891
Credit (loans and securities other than shares) to euro area General GovernmentEuro MillionsAug/2495.02194.518
Credit (loans) to euro area non-Government sector (excluding OMFIs)Euro MillionsAug/24411411
Net foreign position vis-'a-vis non euro area residentsEuro MillionsAug/2482.72782.745
Interest Rates
Central Bank key
Yields of Greek Goverment SecuritiesMonthly average
a. 12-month Treasury bill yield at auctionAug/24n.a.n.a.ιστορικοτητα-εντοκων/52-εβδομαδων
b. 10-year goverment bond yieldAug/243,313,50
Deposit and lending interest rates Monthly average
Financial Soudness Indicators
Stock MarketReleased daily by the Athens Stock
Share price index (composite)1980=100 (end-of-month data)Aug/241.431,191.478,
External Sector
Data Category & ComponentUnit DescriptionObservations(%) Change previous period(%) Change same period last year
Date of latestLatest dataLatest data -1
Balance of
A. Current account  Euro MillionsJun/24270.8-2352.2
A.1 Exports of goodsEuro MillionsJun/244175.94096.5
A.2 Imports of goodsEuro MillionsJun/246651.17549.2
A.3 Exports of servicesEuro MillionsJun/245563.44370.8
A.4 Imports of servicesEuro MillionsJun/242373.32482.9
A.5 Primary income (receipts) Euro MillionsJun/241301.2572.1
A.6 Primary income (payments) Euro MillionsJun/241660.51138.3
A.7 Secondary income (receipts)Euro MillionsJun/24377.1162.7
A.8 Secondaty income (payments)Euro MillionsJun/24462.0384.0
B. Capital  account (net)Euro MillionsJun/2476.2-102.0
B.1 Capital account (receipts)Euro MillionsJun/24101.74.4
B.2 Capital  account (payments)Euro MillionsJun/2425.4106.4
C. Financial account(net)Euro MillionsJun/24-139.2-2095.5
C.1 Direct investmentEuro MillionsJun/24-197.4-45.2
C.1.1 AssetsEuro MillionsJun/24323.258.5
C.1.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsJun/24520.7103.6
C.2 Portfolio investmentEuro MillionsJun/24-612.3-1277.1
C.2.1 AssetsEuro MillionsJun/24-1121.41643.1
C.2.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsJun/24-509.02920.2
C.3 Other investmentEuro MillionsJun/24949.5-810.0
C.3.1 AssetsEuro MillionsJun/241152.0-221.3
C.3.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsJun/24202.5588.7
C.4 Change in international reservesEuro MillionsJun/24-278.936.8
D.  Errors and omissionsEuro MillionsJun/24-486.2358.7
International Reserves Euro Millions - Eurosystem definition (total gross-end of month)Aug/
A.  Reserve assetsEuro MillionsAug/241356513539
A.1 Monetary goldEuro MillionsAug/2483718219
A.1α  Monetary gold Millions of fine troy ouncesAug/243.6823.681
A.2 Special drawing rightsMillion euroAug/2410041034
A.3  Reserve position in the IMFEuro MillionsAug/24698705
A.4  Foreign exchangeEuro MillionsAug/2434923581
A.5  Other claimsEuro MillionsAug/2400
A.5.1  Financial derivativesEuro MillionsAug/2400
Template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Euro Millions Jul/
Merchandise Trade (5)
- Total exportsEuro Millions, Provisional data Jul/244620.74301.37.46.2
- Total imports Euro Millions, Provisional data Jul/247327.56610.510.86.3
Balance of tradeEuro Millions, Provisional dataJul/24-2706.9-2309.217.26.6
International Investment PositionEuro MillionsQ1/
1. Direct investmentEuro MillionsQ1/24-37950-36442
1.1 AssetsEuro MillionsQ1/242405623617
1.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsQ1/246200660059
2. Portfolio investmentEuro MillionsQ1/24144180145888
2.1 AssetsEuro MillionsQ1/24208747204888
2.1.1 Equity securities and Investment Fund SharesEuro MillionsQ1/241466113597
2.1.2 Debt securitiesEuro MillionsQ1/24194086191291
2.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsQ1/246456759000
2.2.1 Equity securities and Investment Fund SharesEuro MillionsQ1/243333129925
2.2.2 Debt securitiesEuro MillionsQ1/243123629075
3. Financial DerivativesEuro millionsQ1/2482038137
3.1 AssetsEuro millionsQ1/241012010139
3.2 LiabilitiesEuro millionsQ1/2419172002
4. Other investmentEuro MillionsQ1/24-436426-438521
4.1 AssetsEuro MillionsQ1/247432876650
4.2 LiabilitiesEuro MillionsQ1/24510754515171
5. Reserve assetsEuro MillionsQ1/241296712324
External Debt Euro millionsQ1/
Exchange Rates (6)
Data Category & ComponentUnit DescriptionObservations(%) Change previous period(%) Change same period last year
Date of latestLatest dataLatest data -1
PopulationEstimated population data 2023, total (01/01/XX)
Estimated population data 2023 (01/01/XX), males20235.090.5915.115.368
Estimated population data 2023 (01/01/XX), females20235.323.3915.346.259
PRODUCTION INDEX : Industrial Production Index, excluding construction * Provisional data ** Revised data
CGO FINANCING : Greece is taking a flexibility option for the periodicity of the financing data.These data will be disseminated on an annual basis,within one month after the end of the calendar year.
State Government Debt differs from General Government Debt (Maastricht definition) by the amount of Intra-sectoral debt holdings and other ESA 2010 adjustments.
Data revision (since 01/01/2017): Data for Debt by residual maturity cover the Total amount of Debt.
EXCHANGE RATES : The dissemination of data concerning exchange rates is within the sphere of competence of the ECB.
Since 30-9-2020, Debt guaranteed amount includes "Hercules" scheme, Covid-19 guarantees and bank guarantees.
The project is co-financed by Greece and the European Union